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Who am I
Alec Eller
Hello and welcome to Safety Traveler! I’m Alec Eller, your guide to exploring the world with confidence and safety. My journey into creating this blog is deeply personal and stems from my own individual experiences while living in the United States and traveling abroad.
My Story: As a U.S. Military Veteran and former law enforcement officer, I’ve always been keenly aware of the importance of safety, especially in unfamiliar environments. Traveling has been a significant part of my life, but for my mom and two sisters, the idea of leaving the comfort of the United States was intimidating for them. The unknowns of foreign travel, the what-ifs, and the perceived dangers kept them from experiencing the incredible places the world has to offer.
Determined to change this, I decided to take them on their first international trip to Europe. It was here, amidst the amazing European culture, history, and landscapes, that I had the opportunity to introduce them to the joys of my biggest passion – travel. With my background in the military and law enforcement combined with my vast travel knowledge, they trusted me to be their guide in a part of the world they had always wanted to experience for themselves.
Our international adventure was nothing short of incredible. From the historic streets of Rome to the bustling Christmas markets of Vienna, we immersed ourselves in the beauty and diversity that each country had to offer. However, travel can come with its own set of challenges… In London, my sister’s phone was stolen from a table she was sitting at. Of course, this happened even after I had expressed the importance of not leaving valuables out for other people to see. But hey, things like this happen all the time while traveling. In fact, according to BBC News, a cell phone is stolen in London every six minutes! While this statistic was mind boggling to read, it highlighted the significance of being prepared and having a higher level of awareness while abroad to prevent things like this from happening.
Safety Traveler was born out of my personal travel experiences around the globe in conjunction with my professional background. This site is a resource for those who desire to travel but may feel held back by fears of the unknown. Or for the experienced traveler to have a resource when they go on a trip abroad.
Here I will share insights on safe travel practices, destination-specific safety tips, and how to navigate the complexities of international travel with ease and confidence. I created this site to put fears people have around traveling at ease and instead encourage them to step outside of their comfort zone to see places they’ve always dreamed of seeing – with confidence.
Whether you’re a seasoned traveler or taking your first steps into international travel, Safety Traveler is here to guide you through a world of safe and exhilarating adventures.